1. Analysts: Economy to grow next year
High-level overview of article:
Czech economy should return to growth next year, adding one to 2 percent thanks to positive development abroad, according to the latest estimates of analysts polled by CTK.
Our take:
We feel pattern of economic revival predicted will also be the same pattern as demand in the Czech property market. Stronger in the first half and then weakening in the second. Please see our 2010 Czech Property forecast for more information.
2. Confidence in Czech economy higher in Dec
High-level overview of article:
Confidence in the Czech economy rose again in December, adding 2.1 points against November owing to higher confidence of both businesses and consumers, the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) said Monday.
Our take:
Good news but expectations with regard to unemployment might be wrong.
3. Economists: Czech economy likely to stop falling in 2010
High-level overview of article:
The Czech economy can possibly stop falling this year which, however, does not apply to all branches and at the same time low inflation, rising unemployment and a very modest pay rise may lead to a drop in real incomes for the first time after many years, some economists have said.
Our take:
Key point is that Czech recovery depends on recovery in Western Europe. Go team go!
4. Czech Republic to be among first countries to raise rates
High-level overview of article:
The Czech Republic will be among the first countries in the world to raise interest rates, the server iHNed.cz quoted Czech National Bank (ČNB) Vice-Governor Miroslav Singer Wednesday as saying for Thursday’s issue of the daily Hospodářské noviny.
Our take:
We love his analogy in the article: “When you have a boat that is smaller and more dependent on the external environment, you have to move the rudder more often.” Very true and good prediction of the future. Look for strengthening of the CZK as a result!
Updated/Aktualizováno: July 22, 2014,