1. http://nahlizenidokn.cuzk.cz/ – online access to the Land Registry to verify ownership of property
2. www.justice.cz – all registered companies including owners and directors are listed here in case you are signing contracts with a Czech company
3. www.sreality.cz – needs a face-lift but is a standby and most properties for rent or sale are listed here from all agencies
4. http://cenybytu.idnes.cz/ – gives statistical prices on sales and rentals
5. www.bezrealitky.cz – rental and sale of properties direct from owners – also great features for finding average prices of properties
6. www.realio.cz – get average CZK/m2 for other properties in the area, just search on the district of the city
7. www.pozemky.cz – a website devoted to the sale of land
Any more gems you’ve found and would like to add? Email me at: nathan@czechpoint101.com. We will add them to this list!
Updated/Aktualizováno: July 22, 2014,
A number of additional ones have been recommended. Thanks to our newsletter readers for that as well as some that were from members of our Linkedin Group.
1. http://www.reality.cz – a general real estate website listing properties from all agencies
2. http://www.ceskereality.cz/ – another general real estate website listing properties from all agencies
3. http://www.rako-reality.cz – the following four websites were recommended by a reader of this newsletter who said that listings from these agencies are often not on the general real estate servers
4. http://www.triada-reality.cz – (see #4)
5. http://www.rcreal.cz – (see #4)
6. http://www.reality-jicin.cz – (see #4)