Who Legally Qualify to Purchase Czech Property?

Czech Point 101 July 22, 2014 @ 2:49PM

This article is part of a series which goes through the 6Ws of Czech property investing (Why, Who, What, Where, When and How).

There has been more confusion on this topic than any other with regard to Czech property and a quick search on the internet can still lead foreigners astray. What are the rules for EU citizens, for non-EU citizens? Is it still required to have an SRO or Czech company in order to purchase real estate? Is it possible to purchase agricultural or farm land in Czech Republic?

Here is a portion of the article:

Residential, Commercial and Recreational Property

Originally it was only possible for non-Czech citizens to purchase residential, commercial and recreational property via a Czech limited liability company called an s.r.o. (in Czech: “společnosti s ručením omezeným”).

After joining the EU in 2004 it changed in that EU citizens could purchase directly if they had a residence permit in the country. However, this change was poorly executed by the Land Registries, the correct information was difficult to find and as a result, many EU citizens continued to purchase via an s.r.o. into 2006 and 2007.

This change also applied to countries in so-called ‘favored nation’ agreements with Czech Republic and included Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and the United States. Again, much confusion was possible regarding citizens of these countries and often legal teams had to ‚train‘ the Land Registry regarding these ‚favored nation‘ agreements.

The legal requirements regarding foreigners changed substantially in May of 2009.”

To read the full article and get the latest on any legal restrictions regarding the purchase of Czech real estate go to: Who Legally Qualify to Purchase Czech Property? .

Who legally can buy Czech rental property?

Non-Czech citizens were recently permitted to buy agricultural and forestry land as a physical person.

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